How Long to Make Apple Butter?

8 minutes read

Making apple butter requires a slow cooking process to achieve the desired thick and spreadable consistency. The exact cooking time will depend on various factors such as the type of apples used, the cooking method, and desired thickness. Generally, it takes around 8-10 hours to make apple butter.

To begin, apples are peeled, cored, and sliced into thin pieces. These slices are then cooked with water or apple cider until they become soft and mushy. The next step involves pureeing the cooked apples into a smooth mixture. This can be done using a food processor, blender, or an immersion blender.

Once the apples are pureed, they are transferred to a large pot or slow cooker. Sugar, spices like cinnamon and cloves, and sometimes lemon juice are added to the mixture. The pot is then placed on low heat or in a slow cooker, and the apple butter is left to simmer for several hours.

During the cooking process, the apple butter needs to be stirred occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot and burning. As the apple butter cooks, the flavors intensify, and the mixture thickens.

After approximately 8-10 hours of simmering, the apple butter should have reached a thick and jam-like consistency. To check if it is done, a small amount can be placed on a chilled plate, and if it holds its shape and doesn't spread, it is ready. If it spreads too much, it needs to cook for longer.

Once the desired consistency is reached, the apple butter can be transferred to sterilized jars and sealed for storage. It can be kept in the refrigerator for several weeks or processed in a hot water bath canner for longer shelf life.

The lengthy cooking time is crucial for the apple butter to develop its rich flavors and silky texture. It requires patience and frequent monitoring but is definitely worth the effort for a delicious homemade spread.

How to prevent apple butter from burning/sticking to the pot?

To prevent apple butter from burning or sticking to the pot, try these measures:

  1. Use a heavy-bottomed pot: A thick pot with a good heat conductor, like stainless steel or enameled cast iron, helps distribute heat evenly and prevents hot spots that can cause burning.
  2. Cook on low heat: Apple butter requires slow, steady simmering to develop its rich flavor. Cooking on low heat reduces the risk of burning or sticking. Be patient and give it enough time to thicken naturally.
  3. Stir frequently: Regularly stirring the apple butter while it cooks helps prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot. Use a long-handled wooden spoon or heat-resistant spatula to scrape the sides and bottom, ensuring that it doesn't accumulate at one spot.
  4. Add some liquid: If you notice the apple butter starting to stick or burn, you can add a small amount of liquid like apple juice, apple cider, or water. This provides moisture and helps prevent the apples from scorching.
  5. Reduce heat or use a diffuser: If you're concerned about burning, consider placing a heat diffuser or a flame tamer between the burner and the pot. This slows down the heat transfer and minimizes the risk of scorching.
  6. Use a splatter guard: Apple butter can splatter as it reduces, so using a splatter guard or a mesh screen helps minimize messes and ensures that the apple butter doesn't stick to the sides.

By following these precautions, you can significantly decrease the chances of burning or sticking and achieve a smooth, delicious apple butter.

How to can apple butter?

Canning apple butter is a great way to preserve your homemade apple butter so that you can enjoy it throughout the year. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to can apple butter:


  • 6 pounds of apples (variety of your choice), peeled, cored, and chopped
  • 2 cups of granulated sugar
  • 1 cup of brown sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cloves
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 cup of apple cider or apple juice
  • Juice of 1 lemon


  • Large pot or stockpot
  • Canning jars with lids and bands
  • Water-bath canner or large pot with a canning rack
  • Jar lifter
  • Canning funnel
  • Sterilizing equipment (optional)


  1. Prepare your canning jars: If the jars were not previously sterilized, wash them with hot soapy water and rinse well. You can also sterilize them by boiling them in water for 10 minutes. Keep the jars in a warm place until ready to use.
  2. Prepare the apple butter: In a large pot or stockpot, combine the chopped apples, sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, salt, apple cider or juice, and lemon juice. Mix well.
  3. Cook the apple butter: Cook the mixture over medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until the apples are soft and mashable. This usually takes about 30-45 minutes. You can adjust the heat as needed, ensuring it doesn't burn.
  4. Blend the apple butter: Once the apples are soft, use an immersion blender or a food processor to blend the mixture until smooth. Alternatively, you can use a food mill to strain out any chunks.
  5. Simmer and thicken: Return the blended mixture to the pot and simmer over low heat. Keep stirring occasionally to prevent sticking, and continue cooking until the desired thickness is achieved. This might take another 1-2 hours.
  6. Prepare the canner: While the apple butter is simmering and thickening, prepare your water-bath canner or large pot by filling it with enough water to cover the jars by at least one inch. Bring the water to a simmer over medium heat.
  7. Fill the jars: Using a canning funnel, carefully ladle the hot apple butter into the prepared canning jars, leaving about 1/4-inch headspace at the top. Use a clean cloth to wipe any spills on the jar rims.
  8. Seal the jars: Place the lids and bands on the jars, tightening the bands just until they are secure but not overly tight. Be careful not to overtighten.
  9. Process the jars: Using a jar lifter, carefully place the filled and sealed jars into the water-bath canner, making sure they are covered by at least one inch of water. Bring the water to a gentle boil, and process the jars for about 10 minutes.
  10. Remove and cool: After the processing time, carefully remove the jars from the canner using the jar lifter and place them on a towel or cooling rack. Let them cool undisturbed for at least 12 hours.
  11. Check the seals: After the jars have cooled, check the seals by pressing down on the center of each lid. If the lid does not flex and doesn't pop up and down, the jar is properly sealed. If any jars have not sealed, refrigerate and consume them within a few weeks.
  12. Store and label: Store the sealed jars of apple butter in a cool, dark place like a pantry or cellar. Don't forget to label them with the date and contents.

Now you have delicious homemade apple butter that can be enjoyed for months to come!

What are some creative ways to enjoy apple butter?

  1. Apple Butter Pancakes: Spread a generous amount of apple butter over your pancakes as a delicious and fruity topping.
  2. Apple Butter Smoothie: Combine apple butter, yogurt, spinach, banana, and a splash of almond milk in a blender for a nutritious and tasty smoothie.
  3. Apple Butter-Stuffed French Toast: Spread apple butter between two slices of bread, dip it in a mixture of beaten eggs and milk, and cook it on a pan until golden brown. Serve with maple syrup.
  4. Apple Butter Oatmeal: Stir apple butter into your regular bowl of oatmeal for a sweet and flavorful twist.
  5. Apple Butter Grilled Cheese: Spread apple butter on one slice of bread, add cheddar or brie cheese, and grill it until the cheese is melted and gooey. Enjoy the sweet-savory combo!
  6. Apple Butter BBQ Sauce: Mix apple butter with your favorite BBQ sauce for a tangy and sweet glaze for grilled meats or vegetables.
  7. Apple Butter Yogurt Parfait: Layer apple butter, Greek yogurt, granola, and fresh fruits in a glass or jar to create a delicious and healthy parfait.
  8. Apple Butter Popcorn: Drizzle melted apple butter over freshly popped popcorn for a unique and tasty snack.
  9. Apple Butter Thumbprint Cookies: Add a dollop of apple butter in the center of thumbprint cookies before baking for a fruity surprise.
  10. Apple Butter Salad Dressing: Whisk together apple butter, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, Dijon mustard, and garlic to create a flavorful dressing for salads.

Remember, apple butter can be a versatile ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes, so feel free to experiment and get creative with your own recipes!

How to chop apples for apple butter?

To chop apples for apple butter, follow these steps:

  1. Choose your apples: Select a variety of apples with a good balance of sweet and tart flavors, like Granny Smith, Jonathan, or Honeycrisp. Aim for about 8-10 medium-sized apples, which should yield 4-5 cups of peeled and chopped apples.
  2. Prepare the apples: Wash the apples thoroughly under cool running water and pat them dry with a clean towel. Peel the apples using a vegetable peeler or a knife, removing the skin completely. Then, remove the core and seeds from the apples. Cut each apple into quarters.
  3. Dice the apples: Take one quarter of an apple and lay it flat on a cutting board. Slice it into thin layer slices, about ⅛ to ¼ inch thick. Then, turn the slices perpendicular to the first cut and dice them into small, even-sized pieces.
  4. Repeat the process: Repeat the same slicing and dicing process for the remaining apple quarters until all the apples are chopped.
  5. Cook the apple butter: Follow your apple butter recipe, which will typically involve cooking the chopped apples with sugar, spices, and optionally, some liquid like apple cider or apple juice. The precise method and ingredients may vary depending on your recipe, so always refer to it for specific instructions.

Remember to taste your apple butter during the cooking process to adjust the sweetness or spices as desired. Once the mixture has thickened to a spreadable consistency, and the apples are soft and well-cooked, you can choose to leave the apple butter chunky or use an immersion blender or food processor to blend it to a smoother consistency.

Enjoy your homemade apple butter on toast, pancakes, or as a delicious condiment for various dishes!

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